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1. What is a Celebrant? 

Many people are still unsure about the role of a Celebrant, and how this differs from the role of a Registrar.


A wedding ceremony performed by a Registrar must take place in a venue licensed for marriage, using specified contractual wording to legalise the union. Religious/spiritual content is not allowed and the ceremony must take place during the working hours of the Registrar. This is known as a Civil Wedding


A ceremony by an Independent Celebrant can take place anywhere and at any time. This ceremony will be personal to you without legal obligation, or government and church restrictions so it can include religious/spiritual content if you so wish.  A wedding ceremony performed by an Independent celebrant does NOT contain the legal registration of your marriage, this must be organised seprately (see item 3 below).               


2. Is my Celebrant Wedding Ceremony legally binding?

No. You will need to register your marriage in a Register Office before (preferably) or after your celebrant wedding ceremony in order to make your marriage legally binding (see item 3 below) 


3. How do I legalise my marriage?

You will need to give notice at your local register office and arrange to have a ‘Statutory Ceremony’ to legally register your marriage. This is the ‘admin’ part of the process and does not need to be treated as a formal ceremony (i.e. you don’t need to exchange rings or dress up) but you will need two witnesses. 


4. Should I be legally married before I have my Celebrant Wedding Ceremony?

Not necessarily. Most couples (and me) prefer to register their marriage before the Celebrant Wedding Ceremony. However, if you would prefer to register your marriage afterward, that’s OK too but your wedding ceremony would then technically be known as a commitment ceremony and I don't use the terms 'husband or wife'. It often works out cheaper to register your marriage at a register office on a weekday.


5. We don’t want to legalise our marriage at all, is this allowed?

Yes. You don’t have to legalise your ‘marriage’ or union. A celebrant ceremony is about celebrating your love for each other in a way that is true and special to you so, if you wish to confirm your commitment to each other without legal ties, that’s not a problem


6. Will my celebrant ceremony be ‘real’ if we have already done the legal bit?


Doing the legal bit is purely the admin side of the process. The real celebration and the most meaningful part is your ceremony. The moment you stand up in front of your family and friends to declare your love for each other, to make your vows and commit to each other for life, you’ll know it’s real.


7. Do you offer LGBTIQ Weddings?



8. Does it matter what culture, faith, or religion I am?

No. The content of a celebrant ceremony is not restricted to any culture, faith, or religion. If you wish to mix religions, cultures, and traditions into your ceremony, you can.


9. Where can I hold my Wedding Ceremony?

Anywhere you wish! Your venue does not need to be a’ licensed for weddings’ venue as your ceremony is not legally binding (this can also work out cheaper). Just be sure to have permission from the venue or landowner. I’m not quite as fit as I used to be so climbing a mountain might be pushing it a bit far for me 😊


10. Can I hold my ceremony outdoors?

Yes. Indoors, outdoors, in a woodland setting, on a beach, by a river, up a tree, on a double-decker bus, in your own garden, at the zoo, … the options are endless. I’m not averse to turning up in my wellies but it may be wise to have a back-up plan for really bad weather though!


11. When can I hold my ceremony?

Anytime and any day! There are no restrictions so if you wanted midnight under a full moon I’m fine with that, if you wanted it in a field at sunrise I’m fine with that too.


12. Can I include a symbolic ceremony/ritual?

Yes, you can. Celebrant ceremonies often involve symbolic ceremonies such as  Handfasting, Unity Candles, Sand Ceremonies, Ring Warming, Wine or Water blending, Memory Boxes, planting flowers or trees… etc. Click                              for more details   


13. Can I include a family pet in my ceremony?

As long as the venue allows it, so do I (as long as I don’t have to hold spiders!)


14. Can I include readings and poems in my ceremony?

Yes you can. You can choose serious, sentimental, humourous or weird - whatever type suits your personalities. They can be read by guests (including children), myself, or you.


15. Can I include music?

You can include songs, music or hymns, and they can be live or recorded (venue will need a license for pre-recorded music) and can be played on your own bluetooth speaker, the venue's PA System (or mine)  You can even have a sing-along with your guests, it’s up to you! 


16. Can I write my own wedding vows?

Yes!  Your vows can be as loving, silly, or sentimental as you wish. I’m here if you need help. If you don’t want to write your own I can use traditional ones or write some for you.


17. I’m very shy and hate public speaking, will I have to say much?

I will make your ceremony as comfortable for you as possible. If this means you just want to say, ‘I do’, repeat line by line after me, or read from a card that’s fine. We will work this together.


18. I want to keep my ceremony short, simple and traditional, is that OK?

Absolutely. Whatever feels right for you.


19. I want my ceremony to be alternative, extraordinary, and elaborate, is that OK?

Oh yes! Your ceremony is about you and your personal style. I don’t mind quirky, unusual or just a bit mad at all!


20. How long will my Wedding Ceremony last?

A typical ceremony will usually last anywhere between 15 – 40 minutes, depending on whether you choose a simple or bespoke ceremony, how many readings and songs you choose to include, and whether you wish to involve a symbolic ceremony.


21. What should we wear for our ceremony?

There are no rules. Traditional, informal, fancy dress, the choice is yours.


22. Will we meet you before the ceremony?

All being well, yes you will. If we cannot meet in person we can Zoom/Skype/Messenger Rooms etc and we will keep in touch by email and phone. You have access to me whenever you need it (but midnight on a Saturday night as you come home from the pub might not be the best time…. for me ….. or you!!)


23. Will we be able to have a rehearsal before the ceremony?

If you want one - yes. This can be either a few days before the wedding or on the day itself but will mean an extra cost to cover my time, travel and if necessary, accommodation too. But don't worry if you don't have a rehearsal, I will guide you through it all on the day.


24. How far are you willing to travel to assist with our ceremony?

I mainly work throughout Yorkshire but if  you'll put up the cash for expenses and overnight accommodation, I'll travel (practically) anywhere.


25. What is your process regarding payments and deposits?


Booking fee:           £50.00                                                     Due within 7 days of booking/invoice (non-refundable)

Deposit 2:               50% of outstanding balance                 Due 9 months prior to event (only refundable within 14days of payment)

Final payment:        Remainder of outstanding balance     Due 2 months prior to event (non-refundable as your ceremony will have been written)

N.B. Ceremonies booked within 10 months of the event date will require the booking fee and deposit to be paid together on booking



26. What additional costs might there be?


There may be additional expenses but everything will be discussed first and agreed but some examples are: materials for symbolic rituals, travel and accommodation expenses etc.




I hope I've answered all your questions, but if I haven't please let me know.  Feel free to contact me for a no-obligation chat to discuss your ceremony ideas.


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